Subj : SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE To : ROB SWINDELL From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Thu Oct 21 2004 08:09 pm Hi Rob, About "SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE" of October 20: RS> ...point out the exact items... Otherwise, leave me alone. MS} ...YOU are the one who made contact... You insisted by trying to MS> move the discussion in the `SynchroNet SysOps' area where your MS> disciples were waiting to take over and obscure the `Kermit' topic MS> using more personal attacks... only retain the few words MS> which lead to more controversy... LEAVE ME ALONE YOURSELF. RS> No, it was *you* who posted *my name* in this echo. ^^^^^^ No CONTACT there. My name is associated to your SABOTAGE since you put it (read posted it) on your ~WEB~ site 14 months ago... What a poor attempt to distort reality, it's like this evangelist thing but you know what? Evangelists return every Sunday and i've been very quiet about my promotion for a lot longer than a week! Lets check the chain of events: ____________________________________[ `Linux BBS', September 27, 2004 ]_ -> From Michel Samson to Andy Alt about "BBBS UpLoad": ____________________________________[ `Linux BBS', September 28, 2004 ]_ -> From Michel Samson to Maurice Kinal about "BBBS UpLoad": _________________________________________[ `Windows', October 3, 2004 ]_ -> From Michel Samson to Gregg Somes about " SBBS/W32 Kermit Install": _______________________________________[ `Fido Util', October 5, 2004 ]_ -> From Michel Samson to Win-32 SysOps about "SBBS/W32 Kermit Setup": ______________________________________[ `Fido Util', October 11, 2004 ]_ -> From ROB SWINDELL to MICHEL SAMSON about "SBBS/W32 Kermit Setup": ______________________________________[ `Fido Util', October 12, 2004 ]_ -> From MICHEL SAMSON to ROB SWINDELL about "SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE": You can't read a text correctly and you can't get the numbers right neither. YOU made contact 1st and YOU posted my name 1st as well, there is no mistake possible: anyone but you can measure a 1 day interval, in one case, and many many more in the other. I can't but notice it didn't take much evangelism to get you and your holy army mobilized, anyway!... Should i evaluate the proportion of On-Topic content that came from your clan i'd be justified to say it was MEANT TO SILENCE THE PROMOTING. MS> ...A long time ago, the author of `SynchroNet' made me post a MS> `Kermit' configuration-file only to reject it... As a result, it's MS> the 2nd time this year i hear of some BBS where the SysOp failed to MS> obtain suitable `Kermit' support... ...Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for MS> Windows'... ...abort pronto and users have their session hanged... RS> I didn't "make" you do anything. If you have a suggested change to RS> the default kermit.ini included with Synchronet (and *not* a RS> completely new, totally different .ini file), then I'm all ears. The challenge was a significant precursor of the whole intervention and expressed one simple thought: let me continue to SABOTAGE `Kermit', the fact that `Windows' BBSers got no suitable FreeWare client is "moot" and a few hanged sessions will make both the SysOps & BBSers react badly enough to get rid of `Kermit' once and for all, as you might have wrote! %-b, RS> I don't move messages or discussions between areas. I didn't suggest that we move to `Fido Util' before my reply to the post you sent me on October 13, thinking i was reading from `Linux BBS'! RS> Perhaps you have multiple personality disorder? Mind about your own. What disorder is it to claim `HyperTerminal's `Kermit' is "just fine" when its packets are 94 bytes *MAXIMUM* and .ZIP transfers crawl (19+ retries/second) at a whoping 500 cps rate?! I know better: a clean 12+ Kcps, under DOS! What sort of SysOp disorder is it to pretend you can build a better .INI in a matter of hours when mine is attempting to implement Error Trapping (not even a `Kermit' thing) after years of correspondance?! Where were you when i got my first test, boy? What treatment does a SysOp require when he doesn't care his BBSers can't return for a day because a session hanged and the time vanished in in thin air?!! If you can't tolerate that i got to criticize your lousy `Kermit' setup just fix it up!... Don't bother to associate me with it. MS> will agree to remove all mentions relative to me... RS> Sure, no problem. MS> It appears you got much more than just a Drop-In Replacement issue: MS> `Kermit.TXT v1.5' "...Samson, the self-appointed Kermit expert MS> and evangelist". The person who could request action regarding MS> Winston Smith is Winston Smith himself so i have to wonder: did he MS> ask not to be associated with this SABOTAGE as well?! RS> The sentence you quoted has nothing to do with Winston Smith. MS> Check what you'll find simply by feeding Google... "kermit.txt MS>". BEFORE ... AFTER couldn't care less about MS> what you had cut... was too tempting to remove it all... Try and begin to paste! Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... Rob's SBBS/Kermit: short-sighted moves and blind cutting gone wild! -!- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Numbers make BBSing UNIVERSAL, not sugar... --- Mail-ennium/32 v2.0-beta-r1 * Origin: Mail-ennium/32 v2 Beta Coming Soon! (1:379/1200.0) .