Subj : WEB Access, false BBS ID To : ANDY BALL From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Mon Oct 25 2004 05:21 pm Hi Andy, About "WEB Access BBSes" of October 24: MS> ~WEB~ BBSes are new to me, i thought i could tolerate this interface MS> but the obvious lack of security is what i'd call a deterrent, in MS> favour of plain old DialUp/~TelNet~ BBSing, i mean... AB> How is this any more secure than an unencrypted HTTP connection? You're invited to discuss that issue with concerned SysOps. I'm in favour of migrating from ~TelNet~ toward ~SSH~ interactive sessions, but right now BBSers like me who don't know how to steal PassWords do have a way to steal identities! :( I made sure the SysOp was advised, thanks. AB> A text-based BBS could be made less insecure by enabling SSH... We're in perfect agreement over ~SSH~, not the removal of ~TelNet~. Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... Sometimes, the cost of new features is too high, really! Is it not? -!- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Using DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK! --- Mail-ennium/32 v2.0-beta-r1 * Origin: Mail-ennium/32 v2 Beta Coming Soon! (1:379/1200.0) .