Subj : Web BBS To : Michel Samson From : Andy Ball Date : Wed Oct 27 2004 02:08 am Hello Michel, MS> You're invited to discuss that issue with concerned > SysOps. I'm in favour of migrating from ~TelNet~ > toward ~SSH~ interactive sessions... Sysops seem pretty thin on the ground these days, but it's "out there" as a suggestion. If I were to set up a BBS with Internet access, SSH is probably the approach that I would take. Web-based BBS have their place too. MS> We're in perfect agreement over ~SSH~... It was bound to happen eventually ;-) MS> ...not the removal of ~TelNet~. Telnet clients are ubiquitous, the fact that they come as standard equipment with most operating system software, and are available for more besides (including DOS) counts in favour of telnet. Whether to allow the use of an insecure protocol to access the BBS is ultimately the sysop's decision. - Andy Ball * SLMR 2.1a * --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5 # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by (8:8/2) * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .