Subj : Web access, false BBS ID To : Michel Samson From : Greg Goodwin Date : Sun Oct 31 2004 11:52 am Well, interesting conversation. So exactly how insecure is a telnet connection? :) Doc Clu > Hi Andy, > About "Telnet Vs SSH" of Octobre 30: >> You fail to take into account the context... >> ...don't expect readers to divine it through psychic means! Also >> note that SSH and HTTPS are in no way tied to MS Windows. > Oh! My crysal ball shows you're becoming somewhat apprehensive, as > if your life would depend on it! Why must you keep making me look as if > i made a statement or another and then steer topics in all directions?!? > 8-o >> Validation for an SSH or HTTPS session probably only lasts for the >> duration of that session. It is not a reasonable basis for anything >> that happens after that session has ended. > I appreciate the expert way in which you illustrate it, it's just i > don't try to make ~TelNet~ secure - only safer!... Anyway, i favour the > prolonged support of this protocol, not a revision of it. The objection > over UserNames/PassWords being sent legibly over ~TelNet~ was noted, you > got my reply. Yet, the validation step can be done elsewhere via ~SSH~. > That's it! I guess you got "combining" translated to the letter... >> I see no reason why i'd be unable to validate thru ~SSH~ and then >> call a BBS thru unsecure ~TelNet~ SoftWare... > AB} I never said that you couldn't. > I sense a trace of irritation while LEGACY BBSers are mentioned, my > reading of your late post tells me you're getting frustrated because our > little chat suffers from noise. I never wrote that you said i couldn't, > and you didn't hear me say so - unless your mental powers were at work!? >> Tunnelling through an SSH connection is common practice. >> Use of the Web does not require MS Windows. > Who wants to "Tunnel"? It's OKay if "~POP3~ before ~SMTP~" doesn't > remind you of anything... Andy, i don't get paid to have correspondance > on `FidoNet' and the intervention i addressed to mister Gordon was meant > to mention a failure observed on a ~WEB~-based BBS system. I'll have to > ignore the rest, i find futile to correct more assertions about what i'm > supposed to think! My .QWK message-packets don't need to go thru ~SSH~. > Salutations, > Michel Samson > a/s Bicephale > ... I BBS using LEGACY DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5 # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by (8:8/2) * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .