Subj : Telnet Vs SSH To : Michel Samson From : Andy Ball Date : Sun Oct 31 2004 11:52 am Michel, MS> Oh! My crysal ball shows you're becoming somewhat > apprehensive, as if your life would depend on it! I am not apprehensive, just confused. What you are suggesting makes no sense. MS> Why must you keep making me look as if i made a > statement or another and then steer topics in all > directions?!? I may be misunderstanding you because your use of English does not convey the meaning that you intend. MS> i don't try to make ~TelNet~ secure - only safer!... ?!! MS> Anyway, i favour the prolonged support of this > protocol, not a revision of it. Telnet has its place. Secure terminal connections to a remote host (e.g. a BBS) are not that place. MS> The objection over UserNames/PassWords being sent > legibly over ~TelNet~ was noted, you got my reply. > Yet, the validation step can be done elsewhere via > ~SSH~. But if your client platform can support SSH (and most can), why not use that alone for the remote terminal connection? MS> I sense a trace of irritation while LEGACY BBSers are > mentioned... I am in favor of supporting as wide a range of client platforms as we can. For dial-up users that could mean anything from a VT-100 terminal onwards (or even a teletype if people build their menus accordingly). For access over the Internet, any client platform that can run SSH (or perhaps an SSL-equipped Web browser) makes sense to me. MS> Who wants to "Tunnel"? It's OKay if "~POP3~ before > ~SMTP~" doesn't remind you of anything... So you expect to "validate" a connection on the basis of an already terminated SSH session? Senseless. MS> I'll have to ignore the rest, i find futile to correct > more assertions about what i'm supposed to think! So, because you can't back up your suggestions or answer any of my perfectly reasonable questions you're going to ignore my posts? Fine! You have proven that you belong back on my twit list in any case. - Andy Ball. * SLMR 2.1a * --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5 # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by (8:8/2) * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .