Subj : Web access, false BBS ID To : STEPHEN HURD From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Mon Nov 01 2004 10:58 am Hi Stephen, About "Web access, false BBS ID" of October 30: MS> ...lived thru times when there were no other way to get `ZMoDem'/ MS> ~TelNet~, ~WEB~ access, ~SSH~ or ~HTTPS~ than to launch `Win 32'... SH> ...hard for me to believe that no OS except for Win32 was capable... I observed problems with every single application i could find, the best was `IVT for DOS v11.3e' and it interfaced only with `PC/TCP' which was no free package; commercial SoftWare like `GLink' was too expensive just to be used for a hobby - and i won't even mention secure protocols! SH> Authors/SysOps have no need to support old platforms... They don't. Though, i believe they'd be better fix things as basic as file transfers because when newbies hit their nose on the glass these guys can't be expected to display more perseverance than authors/SysOps! No need to explore an old hobby which authors/SysOps can't support. SH> ...quite difficult to find new parts for Edsels. Why? Because they SH> don't make, sell, or "support" them anymore. Then let the Edsels be forgotten and the BBSing hobby with it! The approach i suggest is different: make it work 1st, then make it popular next and lets not drop a few more BBSers each time there's a transition. Salutations, :) Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... Hygrade: eat more since they're fresher, they're fresher because... --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Numbers make BBSing *UNIVERSAL*, not sugar! * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .