Subj : Web access, false BBS ID To : ANDY BALL From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Mon Nov 01 2004 10:58 am Hi Andy, About "Telnet Vs SSH" of October 31: BG> Are there any web-access BBSs, other than EleWeb... MS> ...the obvious lack of security is what i'd call a deterrent, in MS> favour of plain old DialUp/~TelNet~ BBSing, i mean... AB> How is this any more secure than an unencrypted HTTP connection? MS> We're in perfect agreement over ~SSH~, not the removal of ~TelNet~. AB> Sysops seem pretty thin on the ground these days... MS>'s not tempting to leave such people too much ground... AB> What telnet transition? MS> disapearance of local DialUp BBSes... The real challenge MS> was ~OLMR~ BBSing... there's more to come... AB> You make it sound as though... Validation for an SSH or HTTPS AB> session probably only lasts for the duration of that session. It is AB> not a reasonable basis... Tunnelling through an SSH connection is AB> common practice. Use of the Web does not require MS Windows. MS> ...i don't try to make ~TelNet~ secure - only safer!... Anyway, i MS> favour the prolonged support of this protocol, not a revision of it. MS> Yet, the validation step can be done elsewhere via ~SSH~. Who wants MS> to "Tunnel"? ...the intervention i addressed to mister Gordon was MS> meant to mention a failure observed on a ~WEB~-based BBS system. MS> ...i find futile to correct more assertions about what i'm supposed MS> to think! My .QWK message-packets don't need to go thru ~SSH~. AB> What you are suggesting makes no sense. I may be misunderstanding AB> you because your use of English does not convey the meaning... The nuance between "secure" and "safer" conveys enough meaning, too bad if you can't see the difference. There's no point in repeating that not all OSes have ~SSH~ applications supporting `ZMoDem' and/or `Kermit' simultaneously, or in argueing that UserNames/PassWords can be protected by using ~SSH~ but that granting ~TelNet~ access on the basis of an ~IP~ pattern is sufficiently safe (not secure) to transfer my message-packet. AB> can't back up your suggestions or answer... I see a difference between "can't" and "won't", more nuances you've failed to consider. I recognized how *UNPRODUCTIVE* this chat would be, from the start... This makes me regret that i didn't ignore you sooner! %-o AB> You have proven that you belong back on my twit list in any case. Do me a favour, don't repeat your promisses again... Just proceed! Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... Exploring DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK since mid-1996 or so. --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Making TelNet OLMR BBSing more *UNIVERSAL*! * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .