Subj : Re: Telnet Vs SSH To : Rob Swindell From : Jon Watson Date : Tue Nov 02 2004 10:49 pm Rob Swindell wrote to Jon Watson: RS> > Convert? How so? RS> RS> Replace the '*' with a '#' (before adding your own Origin line). RS> RS> Example (in C): RS> RS> if(!strncmp((char *)buf+l," * Origin: ",11)) RS> buf[l+1]='#'; /* Convert " * Origin" into " # Origin" */ Ahh, I see. My BBS software (MBSE) takes care of the origin and stuff. Everything that leaves my BBS is processed by MBSE first. This is largely to ensure that it leaves here in the proper format. My code only deals with replicating messages between the BBS and my web forums. My question was pointed in that direction to make sure that the messages I was presenting on my web forums meet the standards. Thanks! Jon PS - I just installed webalizer for kicks today on my server. I had no idea that I was getting 40 some odd unique sites per day. Guess the web forums are more popular than I thought :) - HeatSink MFWIC; The HeatSink BBS Calgary, Alberta, Canada, eh? --- MBSE BBS v0.61.4 (GNU/Linux-i386) * Origin: telnet:// -=Calgary,AB,Canada =- (1:134/703) .