Subj : Telnet Vs SSH To : Jon Watson From : mark lewis Date : Wed Nov 03 2004 09:15 am JW> AB>> --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5 AB>> # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by AB>> (8:8/2) AB>> * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) JW> Is this allowed? Two Origin lines? that is proper FTN<->FTN gateing... JW> I'm not bitching, just curious because if so then I have to redo JW> my BBS <-> Web replicator. Not a biggy, but my preg search just JW> looks for Origin...not * Origin. the leading space and star are significant as well as the defacto standard use of the hash mark for additional origin lines on gated messages... ' * Origin: ' is what should be keyed on as well as a confirmation of locating the proper line by looking to the end of the line for a FTN formatted address within the parenthesis... ;) )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .