Subj : Web access, false BBS ID To : Sean Dennis From : Stephen Hurd Date : Wed Nov 03 2004 06:27 pm Re: Web access, false BBS ID By: Sean Dennis to Stephen Hurd on Tue Nov 02 2004 17:44:58 > SH> Support for a platform has to come from users of that platform. > > PMFJI, but from what I've seen, it does. Windows people support Windows (an > DOS to an extent), DOS users support DOS, OS/2 users support OS/2, Linux use > support Linux (I'll toss BSD in there for present company ;). > > I don't directly support Linux in my BBS doors, but I will give my source co > to someone who is willing to port it to Linux. I've no problems in that. S > indirectly, I'm supporting Linux too. Exactly. However, he seems to want a free utility for DOS that does telnet, http, ssh, https, rlogin and who knows what else. Because the only free one he could find that handles telnet is Kermit, he then rips into myself and DigitalMan for not supporting it in Synchronet. Synchronet has NEVER had internal protocols. So, DM whips up support for kermit, adds it to the default install of Synchronet (of course, you need the kermit external protocol) and figures "Some good done for the community" then, it turns out that MS wants something else... he gets mad at DigitalMan for not spending hours configuring Kermit exactly in the manner MS wants it. Yes, it works, yes, it's part of the default install, but it's not the way MS wanted it. From there, MS gets mad at DM and I for moving to existing standards and not supporting him who is using outdataed non-standards on an unsupported OS. It's gone downhill from there. Mostly I reply just to give me something to do when I get bored. --- SBBSecho 2.10-FreeBSD * Origin: FreeBSD Synchronet - telnet:// (1:140/17) .