Subj : Pure DOS TelNet Kermit To : MARK LEWIS From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Fri Nov 05 2004 08:06 am Hi Mark, About "Pure DOS TelNet Kermit" of November 4: ML> ...i (finally) saw that you had uploaded a private package to me... ML> still wanting to do/try something with it... ...?... MS> I didn't change my mind... ...though... ...i forgot what's in... ML> marked it as "sysop's eyes only"... MS> It would help if you could remind me the file-name of this archive. ML> KERMIT!.ZIP - with a description about gathered from carsomething... Right, i see what's in it now. It's from work i done with Stephane Garceau, which has evolved after i tried to adapt it for `SynchroNet'... ML> I was just not wanting you to be jaded about sending some info this ML> way and then nothing ever being done with it... MS> You must be the 3rd `OS/2' SysOp with who i discussed `Kermit' this MS> year, so far; consider that you're likely to get the better part of MS> the deal since i identified/collected some of the needed information MS> already and it wouldn't be a 1st time, anyway... ML> This year? Try in the last 2... Well, the archive date is 6 june ML> 2002 and your first logon to my system was the month before... Sorry... I'm afraid i mistaken you for another SysOp (Marc Lewis)! ML> My biggest problem is to decide if i should go with native OS/2... MS> That's my problem as well: i don't run a BBS and much less `OS/2'. ML> The archive contains three .bat files and... I can also understand ML> how the BBS side settings can be different than the user's side... It's even more complicated than that. If you take `MSK.INI', which i mentioned here abundantly, euh... you'll notice that it seemed useful to separate the settings for DownLoad and UpLoad in order to simplify my task when doing adjustments. I'm still unable to explain it to this day but assymetry works and that's why the few separate macros can help - at least during the initial setup phase! `Kermit!.ZIP' is an old sample... MS> Here's what i learned. `C-Kermit 5A(190)' of November 16, 1994 was MS> the last release WITH A 16-BITS `OS/2' VERSION INCLUDED. ...forget MS> about a cure for bugs introduced in `C-Kermit 5A(190)'! ML> Depending on the bugs, they may not even come into play... Yes, this is my hope too so i'd favour that both drivers are tried. MS> As far as i'm concerned i bet on `MS-Kermit'... ML> That would also limit me to implementing the DOS version... Sorry, i'm unsure what you got in mind but i'm ready to discuss it. ;-) ML> I might have to see if i can locate an OS/2 version like others are ML> using... Maybe i'll see about getting hold of juge... It's a part of what i learned. I've been refered to `PM2You41.ZIP: (1M4) There's NO `Kermit' code in `PM2You v4.1', `OS2FTP.EXE' DEPENDS on: `C-Kermit 5A(190)', 790 Kb, November 16, 1994 `C-Kermit 5A(191)', 620 Kb, April 24, 1995 For all i know, `Install.CMD' renames `CKOKer16.EXE'/`CKOKer32.EXE' as `CKermit.EXE' (whichever suits your `OS/2' version)... Configuration is done using `C-Kermit.INI' (or perhaps `CKermit.INI', i don't recall), but a secondary .INI file (i think it's `CKerMod.INI') is where you must search for `Kermit' features as packet-size, etc. I wonder if `C-Kermit v8' wouldn't be a better choice for an `OS/2' installation, in any case. MS> The 16-Bits `C-Kermit 5A(189)' executable CAN be tested under `W32' MS> environments, which is important because the command-line differs... ML> The command line is generally where i set most things to run from... `Kermit's command-line, i meant. `MS-Kermit' and `C-Kermit' differ significantly and only their .INI's content is *PARTLY* interchangeable. ML> I have a few protocols that have seperate ini files referenced on ML> their command lines, though... hslink and hydracom being two... At this stage it's time to discuss the internal `Maximus' variables which will be used on the external protocol driver command-lines. There may be a good reason to make `PM2You v4.1' launch `C-Kermit' but i can't imagine why it isn't preferable to run `C-Kermit' directly instead. I'm afraid only Bob Juge can explain it to you, that's where SysOp expertise is most wanted! It may be doing what .BAT files could do a couple years ago on systems running another OS (?), i'm dependent on your input here. MS>'d be well advised to read the related thread started in `FdN_ MS> TeleGard' by Sean Dennis, any details which i may have forgot could MS> have been discussed out there: Sean is also an `OS/2' SysOp... ML> I don't carry the telegard echo... Might be able to locate some ML> info in the archives at fidosensation... My last posts failed to propagate to sensationcontent lately, i was unable to connect to this ~WEB~ site yesterday but i'll be patient. ;-) Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... `MS-DOS v7.10a' + `RTSPkt v3.18' + `RLFossil v1.23' + `{Commo} v7.7' --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - If only TelNet OLMR BBSing were *UNIVERSAL* * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .