Subj : SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE To : Sean Dennis From : Michel Samson Date : Sat Nov 20 2004 05:22 pm Hi Sean, About "SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE" of November 18: SH> ...I added a link to the kermit docs as shipped with Synchronet. MS> This economy of words tells a lot about your so called "honesty"... SH> That will be there forever. It's CVS. MS> How convenient... I'm supposed to believe you have no control... SH> You know nothing of CVS or RCS apparently. MS> Vas donc chier ostie de niaiseux. Tu peux ben te la s'couer... SD> Je ne comprends pas un simple mot... Peut-ˆtre si j'apprenais... Don't bother... ;-) Just imagine my reaction when, after a months long thread, systematic obstruction finally leads to a decision which we could have agreed on from the begining, without controversy! Little can stop some individuals from displaying their omnipotence, apparently; if one goes back to my post of November 9 and 10 over closed-circuit tests, though, one will find puzzling that those people didn't pay attention to a *SIGNIFICANT* improvement observed when using `HyperTerminal' with the `CKOKer16.EXE' protocol-driver run under some `W32' DOS box environment: SH> Every other protocol implemented in Hyterminal works better... MS} That may be true now but i observed a strange improvement... SH> ...HyperTerminal... ...has a terrible Kermit... MS> When Swindell wrote about `HyperTerminal' he didn't care to mention MS> *NUMBERS*; the chances are he was getting below 600 cps... ...i MS> tested the `C-Kermit 5A(189)'/`HyperTerminal' duo side-by-side via MS> `VSPD XP v4'... ...i observed transfer rates which went FAR BEYOND MS> MY EXPECTATIONS (3K5 cps), nonetheless! ...`HyperTerminal' remains MS} unfit for `Kermit' sessions until further notice but it doesn't mean MS} the issue can't be solved just because i have my own limits... I have preliminary results at these two ~URL~s for everyone to see: (129 Kb) (148 Kb) It seems probable that using a P-200 Mhz MMX PC to simulate Virtual Serial-Ports, using a set of ~TelNet~ client/server SoftWare in between, eventually, euh... well, that must be the BARE MINIMUM WorkBench to get testing done but no omnipotent SysOp could notice the numbers, anyway... 8^> MS> tu te sens fier de sortir une lesson ~TCP~/~IP~ hors-contexte MS> de ton chapeau... SH> It's relevent. SD> D'habitude j'avais Babelfish pour traduire... It's a Babel Tower when an omnipotent SysOp pretends to correct any "misleading" statement and just adds more of his own with topic steering over ~TCP~/~IP~ issues which got no ties with ~FOSSIL~ interfacing as is done in `Kermit.INI', a ~FOSSIL~ protocol-driver setup! %-o I've dealt with Kermit', learned specific `SBBS' concepts, `MSK.INI' still won't be used and now topic steering is natural... I say don't spoil your spare- time for a guy who needs no attention: he's omnipotent, after all! %-b SD> You speak French? SH> Not anymore, but I can still read it to a degree. I knew it: this one turns out to be omnipotent all right!!! Well, if you must, ask for a translation but i warn that it would be much more improper than a relax discussion over, say, `Turbo Pascal' code!... P-> Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... Rob's SBBS/Kermit: spend spare-time to learn things he didn't know! ___ MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Who will make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL? --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000) .