Subj : LSPPPDlr 2003 To : MICHEL SAMSON From : MATT GILBERT Date : Tue Dec 07 2004 03:29 pm Hi Michel, Just one more question about PC/TCP in the hopes of getting it to try the IVT for DOS program. I did some googling and can't find ANY type of downloads for TP/TCP other than 'updates' which require registration keys, I understand that now supposedly 'handles' it and I went to the netmanage website and the only mention of it is in the 'Legacy' section, and even there there is no obvious support or sales. So, does that mean they just retain the 'rights' to it and there is no way it will ever be available, either as public domain or for sale? is it just 'hopeless' to try to aquire PC/TCP ???? CHEERS Matt -> --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Only numbers can make BBSing *UNIVERSAL*... --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5a * Origin: FidoTel & QWK on the Web! (1:275/311) .