Subj : 4/4 - LSPPPDlr 2003 To : MATT GILBERT From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Wed Dec 08 2004 08:55 am [The previous message concludes here.] 4/4 MG> I already have kermit and it runs okay when I have a packet driver MG> loaded at 0x60 so I'm not worried about Kermit. Evaluate it without its internal ~TelNet~ support, using `RLFossil' intead... Perhaps you'll see the point when you compare your cps rates! ;-> MG> ...could I not just fire it up, cd to c:\rlfossil and run the MG> RLfossil program and cause it to emulate a comport, my modem is on MG> com2, mouse is on com 1, so what comport/irq would I use? Using `RLFossil' can be involving when it's a 1st try... I realize that `LSPPPDlr' will be a decade old before i notice so i wrote a Batch- File to ease the installation task. You'll find i added it on the site: (6 Kb, Dec-8) To answer your question, there's no ~IRQ~ line... `RLFossil' talks to the Packet-Driver and the later has EXCLUSIVE use of your real MoDem. The packet-Driver itself is no piece of HardWare, `RLFossil' simply handles `WatTCP' interfacing on the ~TCP~/~IP~ end and ~FOSSIL~ (partly) implementation on the other side... ~TelNet~/Hayes-compatible emulation between the two allows you to use your favourite terminal emulator if it supports the ~FOSSIL~ LEGACY plain old BBS standard. As a bonus, you'll notice that `RLFossil' has a buffering action which "boosts" the client! 8^) MG> I suppose instead of a phone number... ...I would have it "dial" MG> something like ATDP or perhaps its numeric telnet MG> address? Exactly. As i wrote, an image i worth a thousand words: i thought that looking at `Commo.FON' might clear a few things including this one. I read that you have `Linux' installed and this reminded me of when i wanted to experiment with `BasicLinux', `VirtMoDem.Src.Elf.TAR.GZ' and `MiniCom-1.83.1.Src.TAR.GZ' (of course, as a newbie, i simply failed)... MG> ...for all I know you (and others) are rolling your eyes in MG> disbelief at my (dumb?) questions, but if you can bear with me I'd MG> certainly like to give this a go. How did you know?! ;-D )) Ahummm... Sorry. :) Well, i've been there too so i decided that i wouldn't allow you to fail this install!!! `LSPPPDlr.BAT' isn't 100 % fool-proof but i believe it can make you successful without as much effort as must have been required previously; just copy this file in a directory with all your archives and execute it as intended, this time it may be harder to fail! Keep me posted!!! 8^) Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... Exploring DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK since mid-1996 or so. --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Trying to make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .