Subj : 1/2 - LSPPPDlr 2003 To : Mark Lewis From : Michel Samson Date : Mon Dec 13 2004 07:46 pm Hi Mark, 1/2 About "LSPPPDlr 2003" of December 13: MS> image is worth a thousand words... ML> What versions of {COMMO}, Telix and RLFossil are those, please? ML> My thoughts have been to gather everything together for others... Everything? Would that be the information relative to the programs or the archives themselves?... 8^) It turns out that i was thinking my `LSPPPDlr 2003' UpDate is over-due for a switch to the 2004 edition so i began working on new dedicated pages as you were posting this morning... I've gathered the addresses on which i intend to base my pages; in its present state, its the old 2003 page plus a few more links somewhere in a crude listing AT THE END. It might help, you can visit this ~URL~: The external dialer now handles two types of Packet-Drivers: ~PPP~ DialUp (`EPPPD.EXE'/`LSPPP.EXE') and ~NIC~ (`RTSPkt.COM' in my case). I also wrote a Batch-File to simplify the installation so i decided to put it to good use, the next step probably would be to .ZIP it all together. ML> I have {COMMO} v7.7 but i note that it has a 30 day trial period and ML> that there is a COMMO.ID file for registered users... How bad does ML> it get if it is not registered? Have mr. Brucker's people released ML> a free key and/or are they continuing on with {COMMO}'s development? There's no such lock in v7.7! As i must have wrote, in `DOS-INet', my understanding was that the author got a thought for the blind when he removed the "Nag Screen" in his release of December 1998 - right in time for ChristMass... The people he left behind after he died didn't appear to "care" about his work when i learned about his death via the official {COMMO} mail-list (on YahooGroups), we were lucky to be informed at all. MS> As for `Telix', i'm refering to version 3.51... ML> I have a floppy here of Telix 3.22 from deltacomm... a quick search ML> for "14" thru the v3.22 docs i have turns this up... #1> Problem: We have our modems on a network and we need a network #1> version of Telix in order to access them. Does Telix have network #1> support built in? #2> Solution: ...we have developed a version of Telix which uses the #2> Int-14 calls, and it is now available as a separate product. ML> It would appear that they incorporated this functionality in a later ML> version... Now i've gotta hunt that one down... I wonder what might have been possible if only the `Windows' frenzy had occured a few years later. What if innovation could have followed a more inclusive path?! Sniff! 8,-( An affordable solution, these days, could be Dial BackUp routers if one is no AOL customer or he never sends FAX documents (AOL's SoftWare must access the MoDem, similarily to a FAX application); but imagine if MoDem Servers had been developped when DOS was still strong and kicking! Hummm... Sorry, i dream out loud... ;-) Well, to me it was like most ~BIOS INT-14~ drivers crawl at 9K6 bps when i tried one. Your reference to a MoDem pool reminds me of emerging alternatives which the average BBSers hardly ever heard of, euh... like ~NCSI~ (NetWork Communications Services Interface) which was copyrighted by the NPC company but it was used with Novell's `LAN WorkPlace for DOS' SoftWare: its interrupt was 0x6B, standard signals (~Xon~/~Xoff~, ~DTR~ and ~RTS~) were supported and the speed limit reached 115K2 bps instead. But maybe HardWare performance has more inlfuence than i suspected! MS> I must confess that the matter of local connection speed (~DTE~, MS> isn't it?) sure sounds somewhat "elusive"... ...the "unknown" MS> result returned by `MS-Kermit' was said to make perfect sense... ML> is all too easy to tell the FOSSIL using software what speed ML> the FOSSIL is running at so that transfer calculations may be ML> performed... my RemoteAccess BBS knows the FOSSIL driver is locked ML> at a set speed (115200) but it still uses a/the connection speed... Hummm... Wouldn't it be possible that `Kermit' doesn't depend on a number defined by the ~FOSSIL~ driver to compute the cps transfer speed? ML> ...from what i've read from you and others, i can easily see why it ML> doesn't from the butt-type attitudes of kermit's developer(s)... Well, "The Team", as i called them, sure reacted poorly when i went to their NewsGroup with a macro-file which i actually used for this very same reading/posting activity, to be honest... I'd need to dig up if it were crutial for me to know what their position was exactly but only Joe Doupnik would be worth it, anyway (he was slightly less agressive). %-) I confirm `MS-Kermit' replies "unknown" but i'm unable to tell why. ML> When a user logs off, my system fires up telix... ...and runs a ML> script to fetch the session's stats from the modem... MS> BBSes depend on a fully compliant level 5 ~FOSSIL~ driver which can MS> support application swapping... ...i wish `RLFossil' were compliant MS> enough to support the use of a `ZMoDem' protocol driver run from MS> `MS-Kermit's terminal interface, or vice-versa! ML> ...DSZ (and FDSZ, i believe) can be used to dial out... Remember that `RLFossil' is no ~UART~ emulator and hence this means only the ~FOSSIL~ flavour of `DSZ' can resume the ~TelNet~ session after `MS-Kermit' has left it in a "Hot" state, as i like to refer to it. :-) [The present message concludes next...] --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000) .