Subj : Dial-up and Telnet Synchronet? To : All From : Mike Powell Date : Sat Feb 26 2005 09:41 am There is a fellow sysop who is attempting to set up his BBS, on a Windows machine, to be available both via Telnet and dial-up. Someone pointed him to Synchronet, and apparently told him that you could set up the DOS and newer Windows versions on the same machine to accomplish this. He would like to keep a dial-up node available as he does still have a few dial-up callers. It would sound like he is attempting to have both versions share the same message and file areas (and probably doors, etc., too). Portions of his latest e-mail to me are included below. Does anyone have any pointers for him? Is this possible to do, or is there a better way? I suggested that he might try installing one version, and set up only one or two message areas, and then set the other version up in a different directory, or possibly even a different partition, and then attempt to point the second install to the original message areas, and see if that works. =============== After several attempts, I had installed and setup the DOS version of Synchronet for my dial-up and local node...then, thought that I could install the Windows version over it, for a hybrid system, to add telnet access. But, when I installed the Windows deal of it, it wiped out all of the work I had done for the nearly 200 message areas, and over 5500 files. I haven't yet emptied the Recycle, I might be able to uninstall the Windows deal for now...and restore the DOS stuff. But, I'm basically back to square one. I still want to go with Dial-Up and Telnet access for the BBS...but, I'm basically going to need some guidance. The setup with the Synchronet Configuration program isn't difficult, but it's tedious. But, there are so few BBS packages that are still supported, that will offer a combination of both dial-up and telnet access. If anyone can provide pointers with Synchronet, or another supported BBS package...freeware, or shareware (not too expensive, please)...I would greatly appreciate it. --- GTMail 1.26 * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (1:2320/105.0) .