Subj : Telnet Client Recommendat To : Jon Watson From : Kevin Lamonte Date : Fri Aug 26 2011 04:10 pm -=> Jon Watson wrote to All <=- JW> Hi, JW> I'm wondering what the state of the nation is on good telnet clients JW> these days. Every one I use has some sort of shortcoming and the result JW> is that I use JW> two differernt ones and that's annoying. JW> I need one that: JW> 1. Has proper ANSI support JW> 2. Can do X/Y/Z Modem downloads...well..Z Modem at the very least. JW> 3. Is telnet capable. I know I mentioned that, but I want to make sure JW> :) JW> I don't even mind paying a few bucks for a good one... JW> Any suggestions? In another post you mention running Linux soon. On Linux two decent BBS clients are SyncTERM and Qodem. (I'm partial to the latter, but that's because I'm its programmer. :) ) Though both do telnet and SSH, SyncTERM is strong on BBSes with some nice features for games, while Qodem has features for non-BBS systems like good VT100 support, Unicode, and keyboard macros. .... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader! --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49 .