Subj : Tribbs To : Janis Kracht From : MIKE ROBERTS Date : Fri Sep 14 2012 05:09 pm -> I've never used Tribbs, can you tell me if it supports the typical tcpip -> protocols like ftp, telnet, etc? Is it still supported by it's author? So many -> people ask me what the 'latest greatest' internet software is, so I like to at -> least try to keep on top of things Hi Janis.. Wayne will probably know better, but I don't think Tribbs had advanced that far. I think it runs like a lot of the old dos systems. With other peripheral software, but not any of the what we call the new telnet age fangled things built in. I may be wrong. Last time I logged onto Tribbs was back in, Wow 2004.. It was one of the last fido systems left here in Rochester NY. Tom Leschander, remeber him? I know it was a favorite to a lot of sysops, but I am not sure that support moved on with it. Have a good One! Mike --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: -telnet:// (1:261/1381) .