Subj : HELP! To : Philip Rambaran From : mark lewis Date : Thu Feb 20 2014 11:48 am On Thu, 20 Feb 2014, Philip Rambaran wrote to All: PR> I've never used a BBS before! Can somebody teach me the basics? there's not a lot to teach, really... you have menus that you make your selection from using the keyboard... some systems are message oriented, others are file oriented and some are game oriented... some systems have all three... pretty much everything is done the old-fashioned way with the keyboard unless the system has a HTML web interface... probably the toughest aspect is transfering files when using telnet or ssh... your terminal has to support the transfer protocols that the BBS has available... the most common protocol will be zmodem because of its ease of use... you select the file and zmodem transfers the name to the other end when it sends the data... other protocols, xmodem for instance, require that you type the name twice... once on one end to tell it what file you are sending/receiving and once on the other end to send or receive it... that's it for a quick response... what other questions do you have? maybe some others will chime in with additional responses ;) )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .