Subj : Mesh-like topology for BBS network To : Tristan B. Kildaire From : mark lewis Date : Fri Nov 18 2016 05:16 pm 16 Nov 16 23:00, you wrote to me: TK> Awesome. So there are no hubs today but the nodes themselves can sync TK> with each other? no, there are still distribution systems that use fully connected polygons... the NAB (aka North American Backbone) is one of those... the "fidoweb" is not... then there are some networks that prefer a hierarchy format with one central hub or a tree format where connections go up and down the tree... TK> That diagram was cool BTW. you can easily see how many connections are needed for each increase in added systems... take a 5 hub distribution system... there's 4 connections per hub with 10 connections in total... at 12 hubs, there's 11 connections for each one which gives us 66 total connections... the main question is how redundant is redundant ;) )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... We might just fall in love and it may be tonite. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .