Subj : MS-DOS BBS Client Recommendations? To : Chris Jones From : mark lewis Date : Thu Dec 15 2016 02:01 pm 15 Dec 16 11:31, Nicholas Boel wrote to you: CJ>> For clarification, I'm not talking about viewing a single message in CJ>> the editor (I do use SlyEdit though). I'm talking about viewing all CJ>> the messages in a group in list mode. In syncterm pgup and pgdown CJ>> works there. In mTCP telnet, it does not. That makes me assume that CJ>> it is a problem with the client application which is why I'm looking CJ>> for alternatives. NB> Oh. Okay, well in that case you may want to find a client that works NB> better with ANSI, specifically BBSing in general. Terminate, Telemate, NB> Qmodem, and Procomm Plus come to mind. don't forget Telix, the best one of them all ;) NB> With that said, I can't guarantee pgup/pgdn work in any of those NB> either though. :) me either... and that reminds me that maybe "doorway mode" or something similar might be the trick you're looking for? that or maybe something like "send raw keys"... NB> Kind of like when trying to use a linux console to telnet to a BBS. It NB> may or may not (depending on your settings for your console) look NB> nice. and may be influenced by the same file... termcap is one that comes to mind... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... I can't figure out why my "one for two" sale flopped. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .