Subj : MS-DOS BBS Client Recommendations? To : mark lewis From : Nicholas Boel Date : Fri Dec 16 2016 07:20 am Hello mark, On 16 Dec 16 03:23, mark lewis wrote to Nicholas Boel: NB>> Yeah, that's basically how it works. It's a full screen reader, NB>> and when you want to reply, you can hit "R" to reply to the NB>> message, which then would open up SlyDCTedit, SlyIceEdit, or NB>> whatever editor you have configured to use. ml> i think you're thinking of the digital distortion's message lister... No, I'm not. I'm specifically referring to DDMR, or Digital Distortion's Message Reader. Please just try it out, rather than assume you know what I'm talking about. :) ml> slyedit has three start up modes, DCT, ICE or RANDOM... the message ml> lister thing is something separate and i don't find any indication of ml> it in Max's setup... the slyedit stuff is there and the docs do ml> reference the DDML but that's all i can find about it... AFAIK, ml> slyedit came with sbbs when Max first pulled it off the repo and ml> compiled it... i'm not aware of anything special done to acquire it... The new message reader has the message lister built into it, However, it started out as a message reader, and evolved to incorporate some of his other separate mods now. Regards, Nick .... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827 * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10) .