Subj : Re: ANSI > ASCII? To : Martin Kazmaier From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Sun Apr 23 2023 12:36 am MK> Is there anything that can (without any input, hopefully a command line MK> option to it) convert ANSI to ASCII? I've got a bunch of ANSI bulletins f MK> games that don't create ASCII bulletins. They don't have any special MK> characters, but they have formatting codes that don't come out right. I'd MK> love to find such a beast. DOS or Win32 would work. This would be part of MK> nightly maintenance. Tons of programs do that. Telnet over here and check them out. .... So many jerks, so few bullets... --- Renegade v1.31/Exp * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .