Subj : Win32 BBS Email? To : Martin Kazmaier From : Daniel Path Date : Wed Dec 06 2023 09:25 pm Hello Martin, 04 Dec 23 02:21, you wrote to All: MK> Looking to add email to my BBS. Either through a uucp gateway, or MK> using a door. I tried tiemailw, but it doesn't work remotely, though MK> it is a possible solution. I tried igate, but couldn't figure out how MK> to tie it to the email server or the jam bases as it wasn't very well MK> documented. Are there any popular solutions that work well and can be MK> registered? irex works inbound, but not outbound. I had it working MK> in the past, but it doesn't support nonstandard smtp ports as near as MK> I can tell. I'd really like to be able to offer email, but my isp MK> blocks port 25, so I need to use an uplink via my mx record and a MK> nonstandard port locally. Any help out there? workaround: install a local smtp with a relay host to outside? Regards, -- dp -=>> telnet:// <<=- .... Uptime: 5d 5h 25m 12s --- GoldED/2 * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52) .