Subj : Re: RA to SBBS QWK Networking? To : Martin Kazmaier From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Wed Mar 13 2024 10:12 pm MK> No, but if I run gecho first, anything that isn't destined for it gets MK> renamed from *.pkt to *.dst. I rename those to *.pkt, and let fastecho MK> handle them afterwards. A bit dirty, but it works! I still can't get QWK MK> networking working with SBBS. REP packets go out, but QWK won't come in. Try FidoQWK ... it worked over here ... wasn't the best, but it worked. I think QWK is a stupid format for a message network instead of FTN and don't understand why ANYTHING is still run this way, but not my software. :) .... If you're trying to drive me crazy, you're too late. --- Renegade v1.35à/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .