Subj : Test 2-8-11 3:56 A.M. To : Test 2-8-11 From : Manley Hubbell Date : Sun Aug 11 2002 07:02 am __Line 1 "Let" me begin this preamble to next (2003) years Version? of what whatever program i'll be using to in my attempt to set up a BBS. I'll call it I.wreck for now {.W for short}, with my current Com Telix.exe ----------------------------------------------------- years and years ago, i waited and waited, for prices to drop to my level to get a computer to use "online" finally when nothing came along, I went far away and bought a Compaq for $300.. it came with Telix ===================================================== I've used Telix ever since, probably 20 years by now, but i digress. the point i wanted to make was the very next day, after i had gone all that way, paid that price I found 2 computers for 50 cents apiece.. ah silly me :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: So I wind up with Telix as a com program. and use it to upload this message, which I wrote eariler on an indipendent BBS. One that does not support this Echo I might add. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Anyway for the debait ? I will say This Version Does have both Kermit & Zmodem "protocals" listed .. along with about 10 others? So I began In Telix from Alt S {Send files.........Alt-S} _Line 25 3:58 A.M. PST refer to prior post if possible? --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d # Origin: Nebeaux Nerdinski 1:105/55 Portland, OR 503.236.0214 (1:105/55) * Origin: Baddog BBS (1:218/903) .