Subj : Newsgate / JD2452499 To : Charles Claypoole From : Manley Hubbell Date : Mon Aug 12 2002 07:25 am Please do not read this { emotionally } 4:11 A.M. PST when I read this { i mean when i SCAN this } Scanning conference 184 - F:Internet BBS I, of course, understand very little of the lexicon; and their4 should {and probably will} refrain from unrelated replies [IN THE future] (this week all bets are off tho) ---------Line 8-------------------------------------------------- my problem? what does the main word -> I have been using newsgate [ "NEWSGATE" ] refer =========================Line 12================== is it a program (file) or a source to connect to from which to download ? ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Line 15 if so how does one connect ????????????????????????????? _Li 17 and if not Where's NewsGate.EXE or .COM downloadable from to test for this __Line 20 3 CIB 10 YAXKIN{first Sun} --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d # Origin: Nebeaux Nerdinski 1:105/55 Portland, OR 503.236.0214 (1:105/55) * Origin: Baddog BBS (1:218/903) .