Subj : almost 4got To : All From : Manley Hubbell Date : Tue Aug 20 2002 06:04 am Internet Rex You have reached the List Page Lynx Version 2.8rel.2 References in 1] 2] 3] his page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support the Be patient, a non-frames version will appear soon. eferences in 2] 743938 of 1174058 bytes of data 32-bit versions of Windows include Window _Li 15 3:55 A.M. listen? my 6 megs of mem holds one 360 K floppie thus 1.174 I would have to recieve on a disk.. Snail Mail to E-Mail 2sign guest book? & leave a link !!! I CHECK that page Yearly Web page, links I use daily short E-Mail address (anytime?) --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d * Origin: Nebeaux Nerdinski 1:105/55 Portland, OR 503.236.0214 (1:105/55) .