Subj : almost 4got 1 To : Steven Horn From : Manley Hubbell Date : Fri Aug 30 2002 04:25 pm -> No HD at all? Do you guys really like wearing hairshirts? wELL? you lost me with one line.. My guess? Yeah? however I dont know I do Wear Wool in the Winter? Now bak to the prior Question ------------------------------------------------------------ I use a COM program called Telix [ a Canadian product ] it does have Kermit listed in on of the many screens Just a second i'll look for that now? ===============================================Which protocol? ASCII Kermit Zmodem :::::::::::: So TELIX lists Kermit as a Protocol used for the transfer of information? I mostly use [Line 9] ASCII and Line 11 [ Zmodem ] and seldom {probably never} use[ed] Kermit this does not mean i dislike it. it just something i have not used ???????????????????????????????????????????????? searching in DEPTH | 1 dup \ DOE |winDo | 2 pup \ DEQ |netsc | 3 tcp \ FCC DOI |Trump | 4\ ggp \ AFT |Slip ?/? probably level 3 stuff "tcp" //tilt\\ ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol ___Line 25 2:18 P.M. PST No I do NOT know. --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d * Origin: Nebeaux Nerdinski 1:105/55 Portland, OR 503.236.0214 (1:105/55) .