Subj : IRex/TransX To : Michel Samson From : Manley Hubbell Date : Fri Aug 30 2002 08:50 pm -> if only the `Kermit' file transfer protocol were more popular... Well? I quoted line 21 above {except for the SysOps part which wrapped} ---------------------- Like i've already stated B4 [ mostly i use Zmodem to transfer files ] I guess its because its semi-automatic and begin's to download at the Z ======================================================================= as far as what really happens {I do not know} [I guessed it was tcp? TCP # transmission control protocol ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: whatever that inplies, maybe i sould get out a book { from the 80's } and try to piece together exactly what happens when a Z or K gets sent ?????????????????????????????????????? the Z i knows automated a bit more ... and thus its popularity K requires additional instruction to start the process [i think]? //tilt\\ currently i've not a clue WHERE in the Telix pogram to look for the actuall Kermit code {nor Zmodem 4that matter} i've seen external Zmodem protocall programs and that would be WHERE i would start were i to start a long term research into TCP. I probably wont, as i suspect the real blockaid($) to be elsewhere ? Like maybe near ?/? ICMP # internet control message protocol IGMP # internet group multicast protocol __Line 22 6:43 P.M. PST {this message was about "Kermit" (Maybe)} --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d * Origin: Nebeaux Nerdinski 1:105/55 Portland, OR 503.236.0214 (1:105/55) .