Subj : almost 4got 1 To : MANLEY HUBBELL From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Sat Aug 31 2002 04:29 am Hi Manley, About "almost 4got 1" of August 30: MH> ...IBM [5150]... ...360 5.25 floppy disks... ...DOS and a BBS to MH> answer incoming calls... program... ...LYNX connection... MS> doesn't need to rely on other external ressources like a MS> FreeNet... ...a two decades old 8088 4,77 Mhz 512 Kb ~RAM~ PC can MS> connect with a ~PPP~ DialUp ~ISP~ and allow for ~TelNet~/~FTP~... MS> ...the user-side of the equation would require that little if only MS> the `Kermit' file transfer protocol were more popular... .... MH> I use a COM program... does have Kermit... ...seldom MH> {probably never} use[ed] Kermit, this does not mean i dislike it. This is one genuine example why `Kermit' never became popular. :-7 What BBSers get from their BBS SysOp is most likely to be a pre-'85 archaic sub-standard implementation of the current `Kermit' protocol (it is often what they'll get from their respective BBS authors themselves). Even if BBSers had the latest official `MS-Kermit' release at hand, they would learn that the `Kermit' protocol is backward-compatible all right; only, being made that crippled simply renders the protocol unfit and i'm afraid you get just that on the average ~TelNettable~ BBSes. You should know that `Kermit' is blasphemy to most SysOps: when i offered help for those of the `Win 95' echo (so that we discuss how to install it for use over `COM/IP') not one single person took advantage of that opportunity, i was welcomed with `Kermit'-bashing and soon became a target myself. I was supposed to go away after some tried to impress me with decades long experience (i was told about `Kermit' run on 8-Bit computers (Z80, 6809, etc.), euh... but the old days are gone, i argued that ~FOSSIL~ support wasn't added before 1995 - meaning more flawed 3rd-party implementations had to be used prior to that date if the serial-port wasn't ~FOSSIL~ but nobody listened, the outcome was already set. Don't dare ask a SysOp if he would be of any help about `Kermit': if one needs to evaluate it, my suggestion is look outside of the BBS world (bias is too bad otherwise)! In any case, `Telix' thru a FreeNet (or equivalent), or a `BBBS' or `WildCat! v5.5x' ~TelNet~ BBS are more examples why it's no surprize you never ever felt a need for `Kermit' before. I prefer the real thing!... Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale .... And then there were none, a footnote in the history of the InterNet! --- MultiMail/XT v0.42 * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-5016 (1:10/345) .