Subj : War FTP 1.80b5 To : All From : John Tyler Date : Tue Oct 29 2002 06:12 pm One of the Internets oldest service is FTP. One of Windows oldest Internet servers is War FTP...which has always been free. The most recent version is 1.80b5. If you can sort thougth the madness, you'll find the most elegant, cheapest and stable FTP server for a Windows machine around. While most Windows FTP servers use complicted INI files or a Web page interface for configuration matters, War FTP uses a bona-fide Windows front end. Though this matters little for basic setup issues, the monment you start managing hundreds of users and thousands of files and directories you'll love War FTP's BBS- like user management and users rights screens. Offical product name: War FTP Version # previewed: 1.80b5 Publisher: jgaa Internet Developer and URL: Why should you care: If you need an FTP server, look no further. Blackhawk The opions are of the sysops only....... --- ViaMAIL!/SL v1.60d * Origin: * FidoNet * The Future System * 732-224-0005 (1:107/418) .