Subj : Netmodem To : Robert Huff From : Gary Ailes Date : Sat Dec 07 2002 06:01 am RH> -=> Quoting Gary Ailes to Robert Huff <=- RH> RH> GA> Have you looked at COM/IP? Costs a few $$ but a much better product RH> GA> than netmodem. RH> RH> Tried Comip...speed is alot slower than netmodem...I really don't like a RH> 30 RH> second delay when people connect to the bbs. ???? The only time I had problems with COM/IP was with Win98 using the built in fossil; once I put WinFossil in it's place it zoomed. COM/IP and WinXP just live together perfectly using the internal fossil! RH> GA> What do you use currently for telnet? RH> RH> Right now..Synchronet...but I want to go back to Maximus...I can do so Another option is NetFoss. I've been beta testing it and it's improved dramaticly; the only current limitation is it does not support binary transfers but that should be implemented in the next major release. If you want to use the DOS based BBS you'll need a TCP/IP front end like Argus or Manning TelServ (even synchronet may work) for the intitial "pick up"... Best part, all mentioned is free. Gary Scooby's Doo BBS telnet:// .... "Home" is where the computer is plugged in! --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: Scooby's Doo BBS -=- telnet:// (1:129/328) .