Subj : Netmodem To : GARY AILES From : Robert Huff Date : Sat Dec 07 2002 08:42 am -=> Quoting Gary Ailes to Robert Huff <=- GA> ???? The only time I had problems with COM/IP was with Win98 using the GA> built in fossil; once I put WinFossil in it's place it zoomed. COM/IP GA> and WinXP just live together perfectly using the internal fossil! I'll have to give that a try....too bad I don't know anything about programming since the full source is available for Maximus now;) RH> GA> What do you use currently for telnet? RH> RH> Right now..Synchronet...but I want to go back to Maximus...I can do so GA> Another option is NetFoss. I've been beta testing it and it's GA> improved dramaticly; the only current limitation is it does not GA> support binary transfers but that should be implemented in the next GA> major release. If you want to use the DOS based BBS you'll need a GA> TCP/IP front end like Argus or Manning TelServ (even synchronet may GA> work) for the intitial "pick up"... Best part, all mentioned is free. GA> I've always wondered about netfoss....and since comip and netfoss are made by the same person they should work well I still need a fossil driver if I use netfoss?? I recall it said something about using a fossil with netfoss on the pcmicro website last time I checked it.... Robert .... Answers: $1, Short: $5, Correct: $25, dumb looks are still free. ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 --- SBBSecho 2.00-Win32 * Origin: * Realm of Shadows * * (1:275/507) .