Subj : Netmodem To : Robert Huff From : Rick Van Ruth Date : Tue Dec 10 2002 04:21 pm G'Day Robert, 09 Dec 02 18:34, you wrote to MICHELE MARIE DALENE: MMD>> Now that Maximus is Open source you could port it to Linux. MMD>> Then you got your TCP/IP stack and firing up Maximus would be MMD>> easier. One way is as follows: /usr/sbin/telnetd -L MMD>> /usr/sbin/maxbbs RH> Too bad I know just as much about Linux as I know about programming;) RH> And since OS/2 doesn't seem to like my computer for some RH> reason...probably the bios itself that it chokes on the install on...I'm RH> probably stuck with a windows OS.... If you could get Linux to install on a machine you could use MBSE. Good complete package - you don't need to know a thing about linux to set it up and run it :-) Cheers, Rick .... Are you a Klingon, or is that a turtle on your head? --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5 - Debian/GNU * Origin: Vampyre's Heaven BBS (3:640/954) .