Subj : Telnet Help To : Craiggagner From : Michele Marie Dalene Date : Tue Jan 14 2003 04:18 am * Reply to message originally in BBS INTERN -=> Craiggagner wrote to Jay Fuller <=- Cr> Install COM/IP set it for a port other than 23, like 60177 thats what Cr> the alternate is for Fidonet Telnet Ports, then connect to it with Cr> 60177 as the port and it should work Great ! Is there something like this for a bbs running under Msdos with a packet driver? I don't run Ms=Windows but I do run Linux. I am asking as I want to run msdos doors in real MSDOS on their own computer after I pass the dropfile via NFS to the computer. You didn't mention if this COM/IP is Windows specific or where one can research it. I may even use one of my boxes to run Maximus or Even Opus 1.73a if there are any y2k patches for it. Michele Marie Dalene .... linux is a friendly system. It is just picky who its friends are. --- blueMail/Linux 0.11 --- SBBSecho 2.00-Linux * Origin: Planet Maca's Opus 860-738-7176 (1:142/7176) .