Subj : TelNet Help To : MICHELE MARIE DALENE From : MICHEL SAMSON Date : Tue Feb 18 2003 03:46 am Hi Michele, About "TelNet Help" of February 17 (posted by Douglas Connor): CG> Install COM/IP... MMD> Is there something like this for a bbs running under Msdos... CG> Its made by Tactical Software and... MS> Hi Michele... About "Telnet Help"... `VA210.ZIP' `PPPBB301.ZIP' MS> I'd try the former `PC-Micro' ~WEB~ site... `RLFossil.ZIP'... NM> I tried the site. Is the site still up and running? SH> Try SD> Roland De Graff abandoned all of his software (VBBS/VADV/PPPBBS)... MS> ~TelNettable~ BBS where `VAdv' should still be running... DC> ...vbbs/vadv/pppbbs support is at ""... I have vadv DC> still running telnet:// or Douglas Thanks to Douglas, i believe my reply is now as complete as i could ever make it. You now got a better idea where to look and who to ask... Salutations, Michel Samson a/s Bicephale (to be accessed by humans only) .... DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies with XTs or better --- MultiMail/XT v0.42 - Support DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK!!! * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-5016 (1:10/345) .