Subj : [--- No BBS ---] To : Bo Simonsen From : Winston Smith Date : Tue Mar 25 2003 01:06 am -> Not everyone import posts as IBMPC as default. -> -> Regards, Bo Exactly! That is the problem. Turning off the "high-bit ASCII" does more than just turn off IBM box graphics, it also turns off half of the international character set in a lot of cases. The Sysop has to realize this, or you have to point it out to him or her when you post a message. American BBS software often assumes IBMPC as a default. When the software is set to block an ANSI art, it also blocks international posts. With the 'GR' page in the character set turned off, many international messages can not be written. The "world BBS" is a relatively new phenomenon. Most BBSes used to be simple "metro BBSes" for the most part, until the advent of ISP's and subscriber broadband. --- ViaMAIL!/WC v1.60d * Origin: Chowdanet (401-331-0615) telnet:// (1:323/120) .