Subj : Join a BRE League! To : David Gonzalez From : Albano De Manuel Date : Thu Jul 31 2003 01:18 am ­Hola David! El Martes 29 Julio 2003 a las 10:32, David Gonzalez escribi¢ a All: DG> I'm setting up a game server aas you may've seen on bbs_ads and i'd DG> like to test some of the games as IBBS. DG> I come here as i don't see any InterBBS echo so would any1 please DG> fimme a hand setting joining a BRE league for now i'm hust messing DG> around with BRE time ti time i'll be testing FE and GWAR. DG> Please help!. There's also an echo called IBBSDOOR for InterBBS games ... ;) Saludos desde Pucela ú--ÄÄį Albano de Manuel į ICQ# 170616992 ®ÄÄ---ú ú--ÄÄÄį ®ÄÄÄ---ú ú--ÄÄÄÄį Messenger: comunero_2002 (hotmail) ®ÄÄÄÄ---ú --- FMail/Win32 1.59b/beta * Origin: RafaSTD BBS * telnet:// * +34-915447282 (2:341/14.91) .