Subj : Dupes with SoupGate and MailingLists To : Albano De Manuel From : Bo Simonsen Date : Mon Sep 15 2003 09:02 pm Hello Albano! 14 Sep 03 16:01, you wrote to All: AM> Hi, there's anybody reading the echo? Ofcause :) AM> Everytime I send a message to a mailinglist with SoupGate I AM> receive the same message (with different msgid, so it is not really a AM> dupe but is the same message) so I have the same message two times, AM> how can I solve that problem? :-? In the ARCHIVES echo right? It stands somewhere in the documentation how to disable it.. I can't remember how.. Regards, Bo .... Chess is mental torture. -- Gary Kasparov --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: The Night Express, Roennede Dk (2:236/100) .