Subj : Newsgroups To : Howard Scaggs From : Sean Dennis Date : Sat May 22 2004 06:12 pm Hello, Howard. On 19 May 04 at 21:01, Howard Scaggs wrote to All: HS> I just dropped my uucp account for newsgroups (was getting a bit HS> pricey for what I carry) and was wondering if there's a program HS> availabe to get newsgroups off the net for my BBS (EleBBS). I have one, but you have to use OS/2 and Squish... You can also join WorldNet, which is a network that solely gates NNTP <-> FTN... contact Michael Grant (1:134/10) about it. ;) Later, Sean // | --- The Local Console * Origin: Outpost BBS - 1.618.549.1859 - (1:11/200) .