Subj : Re: Telnet Client Recommendations? To : Jon Watson From : Sean Dennis Date : Wed Jun 30 2004 03:56 pm *** Quoting Jon Watson from a message to All *** JW> I need one that: 1. Has proper ANSI support 2. Can do X/Y/Z Modem JW> downloads...well..Z Modem at the very least. 3. Is telnet capable. I JW> know I mentioned that, but I want to make sure :) You might want to try mTel-it's free and is available for Win32 and OS/2. Check out and look for the mTelnet link. --Sean --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Outpost BBS - 618.549.1859 - (1:11/200) .