Subj : Telnet Client Recommendations? To : Paul Casey From : Dan Ceppa Date : Sun Jul 04 2004 05:44 pm On 03 Jul 04 03:05:00, Paul Casey got back to Jon Watson -> Re: Telnet Client Recommendations? PC> -------------------------------------------------------------- Qmodem PC> Pro is a dial-up manager that allows you to Dial or Telnet to a BBS PC> Released July 7th, 1997 Developer Mustang Software No longer PC> Sells/Supports QModem. When Contacted, They said "Get the crack file PC> from the internet" Very interesting! And, that's quite nice of them to suggest that. Now to find the same deal for OMX! --- OMX/Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: Soundly on the Fault Line (1:393/9005.30) .