Subj : Re: Telnet Client Recommendations? To : Jon Watson From : Kirk Melton Date : Tue Jul 13 2004 07:40 pm ZOC terminal works pretty well for ansi's kinda pricey though. It does: XMODEM, YMODEM, KERMIT, ZMODEM transfers. Ansi emulation is pretty good too. JW> mark lewis wrote to Jon Watson: ml> JW> I'm wondering what the state of the nation is on good ml> JW> telnet clients these days. ml> ml> that would depend on the operating system you are running... JW> Excellent point....WinXP for the most part although JW> I'm playing with the idea JW> of formatting my laptop and putting linux on it. ml> JW> 1. Has proper ANSI support ml> ml> that should be pretty easy to find since ANSI terminals are very JW> common... ml> the thing is that the terminal needs to be able to ml> tell the remote system JW> Aha...thanks for pointing out the difference. I've noticed that all the JW> terminal programs I've tried recognize the ansi JW> colour, but not necessarily JW> the JW> proper ansi characters. Using Putty for example, my BBS looks freaking JW> horrible JW> because all the images are made up of letters and JW> symbols rather than the JW> block JW> and lines etc that were used to create the image. JW> Hyperterminal and MTelnet JW> have no problems with it. ml> JW> 2. Can do X/Y/Z Modem downloads...well..Z Modem at the very ml> JW> least. ml> ml> i know that this is going to be a "loosing" ml> argument however, it must be JW> That's what I thought - I recall downloading via JW> ZModem over telnet with some JW> terminal programin the distant past, but I can't seem JW> to get Hyperterminal or JW> Telix to do it now. Maybe it's my lan connection...hmm... JW> I agree...ftp is for file transfers, telnet is for JW> terminal emulation and for JW> the most part I don't have a problem with that. In fact, the Linux BBS JW> probram JW> I use has the ability to allocate each user a little JW> ftp space to do just JW> that JW> type of thing with. The problem is offline mail. I JW> want to download my QWK JW> packet and I can't. ml> on the windows platform, there's hyperterminal... ml> the developers have a JW> Thanks for all the suggestions, I'm going to look into them all. ml> FWIW: i'm also not seeing your entry in the ml> nodelist... i don't know if ml> that indicates a problem somewhere or not... you ml> might show up in this JW> Really? I *am* new, but I'm in NODELIST.177 which I JW> believe is the current JW> one, JW> no? Are you up to date? :) JW> Regards, JW> - Jon. JW> --- MBSE BBS v0.60.0 (GNU/Linux-i386) JW> * Origin: telnet:// -=Calgary,AB,Canada =- (1:134/703) JW> SEEN-BY: 31999/98 99 JW> PATH: 134/703 10 123/500 106/2000 396/45 Kirk Melton -+- QuikEdit 2.41R+ --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-New Orleans 1-504-897-6006 USR33k6 (1:396/45) .