Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : Dan Ceppa Date : Wed Sep 01 2004 06:22 pm On 01 Sep 04 04:27:34, Jon Watson got back to All -> Re: Offline Mail Reader JW> What's everyone using for Offline mail readers these days? I want one JW> that I can use in Windows, I find the old text ones to be kind of JW> clunky because a lot JW> of the messages I post are log snippets and news from other sites, JW> therefore the cut and paste in Windows is nice.... JW> I can handle Blue Wave or Qwk, so eithr is OK. BW has a WIN version. JW> Any pointers? Try the BLUEWAVE Echo! .... "Scotty, beam me up another Blue Wave message." --- OMX/Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: Soundly on the Fault Line (1:393/9005.30) .