Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : mark lewis Date : Thu Sep 02 2004 12:51 am JW> What's everyone using for Offline mail readers JW> these days? I want one that I can use in Windows, JW> I find the old text ones to be kind of clunky JW> because a lot of the messages I post are log JW> snippets and news from other sites, therefore the JW> cut and paste in Windows is nice.... JW> I can handle Blue Wave or Qwk, so eithr is OK. JW> Free is a nice price, but I don't mind paying a JW> few bucks for a decent program. JW> Any pointers? multimail seems to be quite decent... i've used it a few times... it runs on several platforms, natively, and handles several offline mail formats, too... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .