Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : Rob Swindell Date : Thu Sep 02 2004 03:27 am Re: Offline Mail Reader By: Jon Watson to Rob Swindell on Wed Sep 01 2004 09:05 pm > On , you wrote me: > > RS> With most decent BBSes today supporting NNTP (as well as QWK), I > RS> usually just use an NNTP News Reader (e.g. Outlook Express). :-) > > Are you trying to insinuate something about my BBS? :) No, I was just letting you know that QWK isn't the only "offline reader" format in use by BBS users today. > I actually stumbled across this OLR called SemPoint. I've never heard of it, > but man is it neat. Rather than just doing the old "get a packet, read a > packet, save reply packet" deal, it builds a message base on my computer. > Every packet I download gets added to the existing messages, so that I can > reference old messages right in the program. It's got a ton of options that > like, handles BW/QWK and some other types. All in all pretty neat. > > Of course, everything looks neat in the beginning, we'll see how it turns ou > :) Cool. I think OLMR used to do something similar (save and index all .QWK packets), but it's been a long time. :-) digital man Snapple "Real Fact" #160: One alternate title that had been considered for NBC's hit "Friends" was "Insomnia Cafe." .