Subj : BAT Files To : mark lewis From : Dan Ceppa Date : Thu Sep 02 2004 02:07 pm On 01 Sep 04 19:54:40, mark lewis got back to Dan Ceppa -> Re: BAT Files DC> Yes, I can do that via WIN, but there are far less needed DC> keystrokes in my current setup. ml> what keystrokes? i click and drag to hilite and then either hit enter ml> or click again... then switch to whatever task, native win or dos, and ml> depending will either click the paste button in a dos task or hit ml> CTRL-V in a win task... copy'n'paste to both environs... FWIW: i do ml> the same, but easier on OS/2, too... there, its just a matter of ml> button dragging and then double clicking no matter the native task... I can do it via WIN, but with SWITCHER, it is still easier between DOS programs. ml> IIRC, that even goes into the win3x that runs on OS/2, too OB-) DC> As it is, I'll live with the fact that I can't chain Switcher DC> on the startup call to it. ml> alrighty... sorry 'bout that... I'll still try doing it, though! The CALL command seems to have posibilities. --- OMX/Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: Soundly on the Fault Line (1:393/9005.30) .