Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : Albano De Manuel Date : Tue Sep 07 2004 05:40 pm ­Hola Jon! El Mi‚rcoles 01 Septiembre 2004 a las 08:27, Jon Watson escribi¢ a All: JW> What's everyone using for Offline mail readers these days? I want one JW> that I can use in Windows, I find the old text ones to be kind of JW> clunky because a lot of the messages I post are log snippets and news JW> from other sites, therefore the cut and paste in Windows is nice.... Try Sempoint, great! ;) Saludos, Albano de Manuel FidoNet 2:341/14.91 telnet:// --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: Pucela BBS - telnet:// - FidoNet (2:341/14.91) .