Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Albano De Manuel From : Jon Watson Date : Wed Sep 08 2004 04:19 pm Hi Albano, On , you wrote me: ADM> Do you know if there's any other offline mail reader which can do ADM> the same? I know the are some utilities to join several BW/QWK ADM> packets into one, but ADM> I'm not talking about that. Not that I know of. I didn't even know Sempoint could do it - nor did it even occur to me that it might be a good idea. Now that I have it though, I love it. -Jon MFWIC, The HeatSink BBS Calgary, Alberta, Canada, eh?! * SeM. 2.26 * My reality check just bounced. --- SemPoint * Origin: telnet:// -=Calgary,AB,Canada =- (1:134/703) .